Wednesday 6 November 2013

Lakeshore C.I.'s Amazing Inside Open House Poster

This is my Amazing Inside poster I've made for my school's open house.

The first thing you notice is the colour scheme. It excels at presenting our school's royal blue and silver with a hint of black for complimentary colours such as white.

Second thing is the main subject of the poster, the Open House. Written in a bold black and outlined in a white stroke makes it stand out more than any text on the poster, as it is the main subject. The first thought I wanted viewers to think of when they look at the poster.

The third thing you'd notice is the fact that the poster is composed of circles. I was hoping for them to represent unity as circles represent togetherness. I tried my best to have spacial equality in putting the circles in places to make them compliment the text on the poster in a subtle way as I made their opacity at 60% so it's not the main subject but a part of the background. The varying borders and interiors of the circles all - again - compliment our school's colours and the scheme of the poster.

Around the edge of the biggest circle on the poster - just like the circle in our amazing inside logo with the circle in the square at the front of our school - I put our school's campaign slogan "Amazing Inside" to continue the trend. In respect to that, I also put the date on the corner circle facing inwards to the poster in a relatively large font.

The text about what happens at the open house all branch out from the circle, tracing the edge of it. They could be seen as leading lines towards the main subject.

Lakeshore's main logo with the phoenix and crest is at the opposite corner of the date and stand out as it has been changed to white and put on a black backdrop.

On the bottom of the poster, the info of the school such as the address, phone number, and website are located. On the bottom right corner, I put the school's amazing inside campaign logo as well as this is an amazing inside open house.

Probably the most subtle thing and most likely not noticed on my poster is the background. It has many strokes of a feint marker. I wanted to add some less conformed texture to the poster although it got printed as a green-tinged thing.

That's my poster and I hope you like it!

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